This School Champs special episode of KBC starts with the laughing voices of 10 school students from various schools across the country. These kids cheerfully create positive waves all across the set. The first one to reach the Hot Seat is Anirudh Singhal from Modern Vidya Niketan, Faridabad, Haryana. He sets the minimum guaranteed amount at Rs.3,20,000. Director, Amol Gupte & child actress, Sparsh sit as the experts for the episode. 10th grade student, Anirudh Singhal starts the game by talking in Amitabh Bachchan’s style. This Barcelon FC fan amazes everyone with his knowledge, confidence & witty talks. He manages to make an amount of Rs.25,00,000 before leaving the Hot Seat. The next contestant to sit on the Hot Seat is Nivedita Kundu from Montfort School, Delhi. She sets her minimum guaranteed amount at Rs.1,60,000. She also get to answer 10 questions correctly and win Rs.25,00,000 before the time of the episode comes to an end. Amitabh Bachchan signs-off with love to all the children of the nation on this Children’s Day special.