Even as actor Aamir Khan on Tuesday tweeted ecstatically about Lok Sabha passing the Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences bill after the subject was addressed in an episode of his TV show, Satyamev Jayate has landed in online trouble.
Many fake websites with the show’s logo, look and feel, have cropped up, misleading surfers. Though the official website of the show is satyamevjayate.in, the fakes have similar names such as satyamevjayateindia.org and satyamev-jayate.in, with content about the show.
“Some unscrupulous persons have in an unauthorised manner, hosted websites in relation to the program. These people have gone to great lengths to ensure that the look and feel of their fake website is an exact copy of our official website. It is obvious that the fake sites have been hosted to dupe innocent viewers to extract money. We shall not leave any stone unturned to take strong legal action,” says Deepak Jacob of the host channel, Star India.
It has also issued a cautionary statement in papers and on the show’s website.
Fans of the show say the copycats are going against a noble cause. “Call it a fan website and nothing else if it is so … Don’t ruin something good like this,” writes Kartik on one of the fake websites.