Movie Description
両親が帰省でいない二日間、妹に欲望剥き出しでハメまくった中出し記録。 冬愛ことね
There was a secret I couldn't tell my parents about my little sister who usually doesn't get along. Two days when her parents were gone at the end of the year at her parents' house. We were instinctively seeking bodies. We both knew it wasn't cool, but our youth refused to do it.
Featured Crew
- Director : Jo Asagiri
- Cast : Kotone Toa
Original Title両親が帰省でいない二日間、妹に欲望剥き出しでハメまくった中出し記録。 冬愛ことね
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 02h 10m
Production Companiesダスッ!
- Drama