Movie Description
One day, I was suddenly gathered in a meeting room, and the teacher told me, "I'm going to check the developmental status of everyone who has reached the secondary sexual characteristics." A scary-looking uncle was sitting and suddenly asked, "Do you have pubic hair?" For a moment, my head was blank and I couldn't answer. Her embarrassment brought tears to her eyes, which she desperately endured. What happened after that was ambiguous, but only a lukewarm feeling remained in her vagina.
Featured Crew
- Director : IST
- Cast : Lala Kudo,Natsu Sano,Eru Yukino
Original Title羞恥!思春期発育状況検査会3~健康優良児・第二次性徴の測定と性交実態調査~
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 04h 36m
- Documentary