Movie Description
Las Torres y el Viento
In an inn located in a jungle region near Mene Grande, a traveler from other times relives the history of a city and its inhabitants; consumed by the oil rush that led to its downfall. The short film seeks to adapt the essence of Latin American magical realism to the cinematographic language, through a Venezuelan play written by César Rengifo.
Featured Crew
- Director : Alejandro Herrera
- Producer : Alejandro Herrera,Debora Da Silva
- Writer : Alejandro Herrera
- Editor : Ariadna Corzo
- Cast : Vito Lonardo,Juan Carlos Medina,Maria Alejandra Himénez,María Brito
Antonio María
El Viajero
La Mendiga
Original TitleLas Torres y el Viento
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 00h 11m
Production CompaniesPrometeo Films
- Fantasy