Movie Description
Life in suburban Palermo can be tough: Salvo is a young father who struggles between makeshift jobs and criminal-grotesque affairs to support his son. When the spiral of violence turns against him, he runs into Ciurè, a transgender dancer who helps him, opening doors to a kaleidoscopic gay night club where she performs every night. Will Salvo be able to overcome his prejudices against the "wanderers of the night" and put on new clothes, to the point of reinventing himself in a new body
Featured Crew
- Director : Gianpiero Pumo
- Cast : Gianpiero Pumo,Vivian Bellina,Marilù Pipitone,Elena Pistillo,Rosario Maggiore,Tony Matranga,Antonello Russo,William Angiuli,Claudia Li Volsi,Emanuele Minafò,Maurizio Bologna,Benny Cannata,Ernesto Tomasini,Tonia De Micco,Raffaele Taddei,Claudio Di Giovanni,Lucio Calabrese Falcone
Original TitleCiurè
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 42m
- Drama