Movie Description
Nunți muzici și casete video
A "behind-the-scenes" insight of the Romanian wedding industry, with cameramen, photographers and singers from all around the country in the spotlight. Their life stories, their editing styles, their hands-on-approach know-how and, of course, their performances at weddings, mix up in a shortcut-style film. George Stirbat, the 30-something one-man-show singer from the small town of Onesti returned home after a mini-Broadway career and Petru Manici, the coal mine electrician from the mining town of Petrosani, are just two of the most interesting characters the film follows in their quest to achieve perfection for the bride's and groom's memories. Something to remember.
Featured Crew
- Director : Tudor Giurgiu
- Producer : Carmen Harabagiu,Oana Giurgiu,Andrei Cretulescu,Aurelian Nica
- Writer : Tudor Giurgiu
- Editor : Mircea Olteanu
- Cast : Emilian Achim,Adriana Bahmuteanu,Ecaterina Cucui,Sandu Cucui,Sorin Cucui,Daniel Dumitru,Adrian Fagetan,Alin Glod,Nicu Iftimie,Valentin Ivan,Petre Manici,Dan Neagu,Cristi Nedelcu,Silviu Prigoana,Dan Rotila,Elena Stirbat,George Stirbat
Original TitleNunți muzici și casete video
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 00h 57m
Production CompaniesHai Hui Entertainement,HBO
- Documentary
- Music
- Romance