Movie Description
Línea de flotación
Facu and his uncle, distant from each other, sail to Facu’s late father’s house, who died in a confusing incident with the coast guard during an environmental protest. As they enter the cold, swampy island forest, two coast guards watch them, making the uncle uneasy, while Facu dismisses his father’s fate. They confront each other, deepening the pain of absence, driving Facu to enter his father’s house. The coast guards approach the uncle, and Facu escapes into the forest but one guard follows him, drawing his weapon. Facu’s only option is to jump into the river, realizing underwater that to save his uncle he must reconnect with his father.
Featured Crew
- Director : Lucila de Oto,Gastón Bonalve
- Cast : Tomás Wicz,Diego Gallardo,Fernando Miró,Aldo Onofri
Original TitleLínea de flotación
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 00h 12m
Production CompaniesEl Pantano Films