Movie Description
Se llamaba SN
As José Abreu “Guanipa” is transferred with a group of prisoners to the Guasina camp in the Orinoco Delta, he recalls the torture he was subjected to by SN (National Security) henchmen in order to obtain information about the resistance. In Guasina, the prisoners are subjected to forced labor while they plan their escape. Guanipa is released after signing the bond and the rest of his companions remain in the camp.
Featured Crew
- Director : Luis Correa
- Editor : Alejandro Saderman
- Cast : Asdrúbal Meléndez,Alejo Felipe,José Torres,José María Bauce,María Grazia Bianchi,Ricardo Blanco,Lucio Bueno,Carlos Carrero,Alfredo Correa,Regino Jiménez,Arnold Level,Pedro Marthán,Jesús Millán,Augusto Mudarra,Blanca Pereira,Francisco Sanclemente
Original TitleSe llamaba SN
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 30m
Production CompaniesKynocine C.A.,Cine Films 71 C.A.
- Drama
- History