Movie Description
Tavuk Suyuna Çorba
The doctor comes across unusual symptoms at the man said to have died of a heart attack when he examined the corpse. He decides to refer the body to forensic medicine. Thereupon, the mans wife confesses; she said poisoned her husband, who constantly beat her. A big surprise awaits the doctor, who has to make a vital decision for the woman.
Featured Crew
- Director : Deniz Büyükkırlı
- Producer : Soner Sert
- Writer : Deniz Büyükkırlı
- Editor : Tuvana Simin Günay
- Cast : Erol Babaoğlu,Name Önal,Tarhan Karagöz
Original TitleTavuk Suyuna Çorba
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 00h 18m
- Drama