Movie Description
A teenage girl, caught between the love for her mother and the fear of losing her, battles inner turmoil and societal taboos as she strives to honour a promise, confronting the harsh realities of gender discrimination and deeply rooted superstitions. As she treads through this intricate maze, she discovers the limitations of her youth, often realising the helplessness of being a young girl in a world where adults make all decisions. Set against the backdrop of contemporary India, where gender discrimination is normalised, the film sheds light on the persistence of superstitions in society. The movie explores the profound bond between a mother and daughter and the lengths to which a young girl could go to fulfil a promise made to her mother.
Featured Crew
- Director : Indu Lakshmi
- Producer : Indu Lakshmi,Ravi Sreedhar
- Writer : Indu Lakshmi
- Editor : Appu N. Bhattathiri
- Cast : Anagha Maya Ravi,Jagadish,Mini IG
Original Titleഅപ്പുറം
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageMalyalam
Runtime 01h 13m
- Drama