Movie Description
Un Monde sans humains ?
For the past fifteen years, the acceleration of technological progress has lead to unthinkable feats. Allowing amputees to walk again thanks to a bionic prosthesis or having a job interview with a robot is no longer science fiction. Technology is everywhere. It governs our social interactions and even intrudes into our bodies. But how far are we willing to let our machines go? It is this recurring issue, at the origin of many utopian works, that is addressed in this movie by Philippe Borrel.
Featured Crew
- Director : Philippe Borrel
- Writer : Noël Mamère,Philippe Borel
Original TitleUn Monde sans humains ?
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 37m
Production CompaniesCinétévé,ARTE France Cinéma
- Documentary