Movie Description
Dial 666 Lust
In the heat of the night when you're lusting for love, dial 666-LUST for the girl of a lifetime. When she takes you, you'll be hers forever. Vampires that need more than , they need love and they're in search of a man with a rod of steel. Next time you pick up the phone it could be you!
Featured Crew
- Director : Jane Waters
- Writer : Taylor Wayne
- Cast : Cameo,Taylor Wayne,Cal Jammer,Biff Malibu,Ron Jeremy,Mike Horner,Tom Chapman,Kim Kitaine,Sharon Kane
Original TitleDial 666 Lust
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageEnglish
Runtime 01h 21m
Production CompaniesArrow Productions,A.F.V. Releasing
- Horror