Movie Description
Сарны гөлөг
From an outsider's perspective, the couple, their husband, and their pregnant daughter are living a normal life together. The couple never argued. However, when an unexpected guest joins their family, a fierce conflict erupts between the couple.
Featured Crew
- Director : Davaadorj Sharavdorj
- Producer : Sarantsetseg Myagmar
- Cast : Altangerel Yondon,Altantsetseg Shanakhuu,Tsend-Ayush Tsend,Baatarkhuu Boldbaatar,Otgontogos Namsrai,Byambatsogt Dashnyam,Tsovoo Davaakhuu,Demidbaatar Lkhagva,Oyun Ochirbat,Gankhuyag Dagvadorj,Oyunchimeg Ichinkhorloo,Otgontuya Bazargur
Original TitleСарны гөлөг
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 30m
Production CompaniesZaya-sh studio
- Comedy
- Drama
- Family