Movie Description

Trisexual Asylum



An Asylum is defined as; "an institution for the maintenance and care of the mentally ill, orphans, or other persons requiring specialized assistance." Residents of Third World Medias TriSexual Asylum are in desperate need of "specialized" assistance; and everyone on this funny farm is more than willing to pitch in to help a fellow inmate out. There are no rules in this soiled Sanitarium; as boy on girl, girl on girl, and boy on boy sex is the norm. But dare to cross the angry Transsexual Administrator lady, and one will pay with their ass. There is nothing sanitary or sacred about the events that happen behind the closed doors of this loony bin.




Original TitleTrisexual Asylum

Status Released

Release Information

  • 2007-10-15

Original LanguageEnglish

Runtime 02h 02m

Production CompaniesThird World Media


  • Horror