Movie Description
الحاكم العام لجزيرة الشاكرباكربن
L'Gharbi works in a newspaper's telex booth to classify dispatches. One day while reading a dispatch relating to an island whose governor had disappeared, Al Gharbi identified with the character of the governor of the island of “Chakerbakerben”
Featured Crew
- Director : Nabyl Lahlou
- Writer : Nabyl Lahlou
- Editor : Lahcen Khabbaz
- Cast : Nabyl Lahlou,Muriel Catalá,Fouad Dziri,Mohamed Miftah,Noureddine Bikr,Abdelkader Lofti,Miloud Habachi
Original Titleالحاكم العام لجزيرة الشاكرباكربن
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 30m