Movie Description
Two ten-year-old girls go to a subtropical swimming paradise. They look forward to the wave pool and the chute, but are distracted by other, older swimmers. Like teenage girls with real breasts in the bubble bath, and big boys blocking the chute or taking their goggles. The little girls gradually seem to realise the days of their carefree childhood are numbered.
Featured Crew
- Director : Lodewijk Crijns
- Producer : Burny Bos
- Writer : Anne Barnhoorn,Lotte Tabbers
- Cast : Marieke Lindhout,Sem de Vlieger,Loek Peters,Wienand Omta,Barbara Labrie,Daan van Nieuwenburg,Björn van Raaij,Jevenci Sproet,Anna Raadsveld,Annabel van Lieshout,Danilo van der Rest,Emanuel Bosompem Mensah,Maurice Nijkamp
Original TitleZwemparadijs
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 00h 10m
Production CompaniesBosBros
- Family