Movie Description
Un minuto de silencio
2006: Evo Morales, first indigenous President is elected in Bolivia after the 2003 dramatic events following the fall of the President Sanchez de Lozada (exiled in the U.S. since then). The socialist revolution enters in its crucial stage. But dealing with power carries a burden of temptations and pathologies. In four years of shooting between Bolivia and the US this film focus on the difficult path of this unique historical opportunity. The film ends with the recent TIPNIS dramatic indigenous protest which creates an historical circle.
Featured Crew
- Director : Ferdinando Vicentini Orgnani
- Producer : Sandro Frezza
- Cast : Alvaro García Lineras,Stanley R. Greenberg,Evo Morales
Original TitleUn minuto de silencio
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 25m
- Documentary