Movie Description
Мы - Бензоколонки
When I first came to you - it was scary. You too, probably. And I still do not know what is happening. And never know. But. I really wanted to meet someone. I saw that you had some kind of hunger. Life is always engaged in its business - continues itself. We are gas stations. You are a gas station. And I am a gas station. And I found you. And you found me. And I refueled, and you refueled. And bang! Energy has arisen in us.
Featured Crew
- Director : Pavel Ruminov
- Producer : Pavel Ruminov
- Editor : Pavel Ruminov
- Cast : Natalya Anisimova
Original TitleМы - Бензоколонки
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 00h 10m
- Documentary