Movie Description
Carefree days, youth and summertime. It is on a day like that when Hsin-lun meets Wendy and Johnny meets Bessie. Love blossoms. Hsin-lun and Wendy are married but Bessie is jilted by Johnny. After college, Hsin-lun joins a construction company. He is unhappy, what with the company's corrupt ways and a domineering manager. On the point of resigning, he learns of a traffic accident in which Wendy and his brother are injured. Wendy has a miscarriage. The need for money changes Hsin-lun completely. He becomes part of a gang...
Featured Crew
- Director : Sylvia Chang
- Producer : Raymond Chow
- Cast : Lau Ga-fong,Song Chang-jiang,Lam Fong,Frank Hsu,Ku Pao-Ming,Ko Pa,Tan Ai-Chen,Jin Zhang-di
Original Title舊夢不須記
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 33m
Production CompaniesDai Yu (H. K.) Film Co.,Orange Sky Golden Harvest
- Drama