Movie Description
Structured on the point of view of three individuals, Krishnappa Narasimha Shashtri, an old Indian freedom fighter, Gowri Iyer an Indian journalist and Emma Hall, a British banker. The film is set in the 1920s of colonial India and revolves around the lives of three groups of people, the peasants from a village called Kunthapura, the freedom fighters of the princely state of Mysore and a group of archeologists commissioned to do an excavation in the village of Kunthapura
Featured Crew
- Director : Joe Eshwar
- Cast : Byon,Priyaa Lal,Charu Haasan,Anu Hasan
Original Titleകുന്താപുര
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 02h 14m
- Drama
- History