Movie Description
Zwei Tänzer für Isolde
Uwe Ochsenknecht and Herbert Knaup play the leading roles in the buddy comedy "2 Sturköpfe im Dreivierteltakt". From the old rivals Joachim Schiller and Hans Rückert are pretty best friends, as they finally realize that an ex-wife has always been a double game with them. The comedy by Thomas Kronthaler conveys the joy of life and makes you want to dance. The breakdance scene star Jawad Rajpoot, also known as Bboy Rajpoot, provides spectacular performances as a junior partner. He finds his destiny through the dance school and there the first great love.
Featured Crew
- Director : Thomas Kronthaler
- Writer : Stephanie Kronthaler,Thomas Kronthaler
- Cast : Uwe Ochsenknecht,Herbert Knaup,Andrea L'Arronge,Lisa Vicari
Original TitleZwei Tänzer für Isolde
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 30m
Production CompaniesARD
- TV Movie
- Comedy