Movie Description
Rosita, la favorita del Tercer Reich
The life of Rosita Serrano, the "Chilean nightingale" who entertained the Nazis when she was living in Berlin 1937-1943. In 1943 while on tour in Sweden, Serrano was accused by Germany of being a spy—she had donated a benefit performance to Jewish refugees. Rather than returning to Germany to be arrested, she traveled to Chile.
Featured Crew
- Director : Pablo Berthelon
- Writer : Roberto Trejo,Pablo Berthelon
- Editor : Constanza Aliaga
- Cast : Rosita Serrano,Carmen Barros,Dietmar Buchmann,Wiltrud Weber,Hans Jorg,Victor Farias
Original TitleRosita, la favorita del Tercer Reich
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 33m
Production CompaniesCarnada Films
- Documentary
- Music