Movie Description
Guy Gilles et le temps désaccordé
1958. A twenty-year-old man leaves his native Algeria to make a living. Fifty years later, three teenagers and a big apartment overlooking a Parisian boulevard. At the corner of a room, a window, a face, come the films of Guy Gilles, traces, voices and images of an unknown work, out of tune with his time.
Featured Crew
- Director : Gaël Lépingle
- Producer : Nicolas Anthomé
- Editor : Benoît Quinon
- Cast : Adèle Csech,Mattéo Caranta,Pierre Lazarus,Macha Méril,Noun Serra
Original TitleGuy Gilles et le temps désaccordé
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 00h 57m
Production CompaniesBathysphere Productions
- Drama