Movie Description
Sakura, who just graduated from a university, begins to work at a library in Katsuragi, Nara Prefecture. She is flustered with her new job and unfamiliar environment. One day, an elderly woman named Reiko visits the library and shows Sakura an old photo of a man and a woman. Sakura takes her to the place where the photo was taken. Reiko sometimes brings other photos and Sakura takes her to the place where the photos were taken. While doing this, Sakura learns about the history and culture of Katsuragi. She also talks with the residents and grows as a person.
Featured Crew
Sakura Yoshii
Reiko Ashitaka
Soichiro Tanaka
Mitsuhiko Yoshii
Itsuki Yoshii
Original Title天使のいる図書館
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 48m
Production Companies映画「天使のいる図書館」製作委員会
- Drama