Movie Description
ჯაყოს ხიზნები
In the non-Georgian population of Georgia, over the centuries, its own mentality has been formed, i.e. non-Georgian population has always behaved ambiguously. It should be emphasized that not only those who consider it their home, but also those who are trying to appropriate the best "apartments of this hotel" lived and live in Georgia. At one time, Mikhail Javakhishvili, in his allegorical novel "Jacos Hiznebi" ("Khizans Jacko" - "Jacko Lodgers" - in Russian refuge, show itself loyal and humble servant. And you, in your naivety and carelessness, open the door for him, provide food and shelter. And he will gain strength, become carefree and arrogant,
Featured Crew
- Director : Dato Janelidze
- Producer : Ketevan Galdavadze
- Writer : Dato Janelidze,Vaja Gigashvili
- Cast : Giorgi Nakashidze,Zaza Burchuladze,Nato Murvanidze,Nestan Kvinikadze,Boris Gulmagarashvili,Avto Guliashvili,Orbi Agniashvili
Original Titleჯაყოს ხიზნები
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 20m
- Drama