Movie Description
A Sweet Revenge
After being jilted for another, a woman sends her lover's old letters to the new fiancée and looks forward to the reaction. But when she spots her old lover's glove left behind, she has a change of heart and repents.
Featured Crew
- Director : D.W. Griffith
- Writer : D.W. Griffith
- Cast : Arthur V. Johnson,Marion Leonard,Jeanie Macpherson,Frank Powell,Robert Harron,Mary Pickford
Paul Hiller
Paul's Fiancee - The Jilted One
Alice Baross - 2nd Fiancee
Alice's Father
On the Bridge
Original TitleA Sweet Revenge
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 00h 05m
Production CompaniesAmerican Mutoscope & Biograph
- Drama