Movie Description
Hiša D
Architecture is not a static but a dynamic, living thing. Similarly film is highly suited to represent and experience architectures as spaces, as stages for human encounter and interaction. In this series of short films architecture becomes animated, even transformed, with social input. Similarly it serves to animate its viewers/occupants -- architecture as stage and actor both. (Good) built projects in Slovenia generally follow a well-thought and focused approach and execution. They are, relatively speaking, of modest size. They are small not in scale nor ambition -- but small as in contained, disciplined, intelligent and specifically responsive. With room for a smile.
Featured Crew
- Director : Damjan Kozole
- Producer : Danijel Hočevar
- Writer : Damjan Kozole
- Cast : Ajda Toman
Original TitleHiša D
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 00h 06m
Production CompaniesVertigo
- Drama