Movie Description
In the summer of 1969, four friends built a raft to travel down two Portuguese rivers from the center of the country to Lisbon. Forty years later, the son of one of these men reported this event in a book of poems, as a metaphor of the Portuguese travel literature of the 16Th and 17Th centuries. After, it occurred to him to turn the poems into a real event, to invite some friends to reenact the raft journey and exhibit texts from those peregrinations. His brother went along to film the floating recital.
Featured Crew
- Director : João Manso,Miguel Manso
- Writer : João Manso,Miguel Manso
- Editor : Tomás Baltazar
- Cast : Maria Leite,Natxo Checa,Miguel Manso,António Poppe
Original TitleBibliografia
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 10m
- Documentary
- Drama