Movie Description
صندلی خالی
Esmaeil Fallah and his wife Marziyeh, who is also his cousin and pregnant, are worried about their child and they go to a doctor. The doctor tells them that the child is blind, deaf and mute and it would be a torture to keep him...
Featured Crew
- Director : Saman Estereki
- Producer : Iraj Taghipoor,Alireza Shojanoori
- Writer : Saman Estereki
- Editor : Saman Estereki,Alireza Shojanoori
- Cast : Fariborz Arabnia,Pantea Bahram,Reza Attaran,Mohammadreza Sharifinia,Farideh Faramarzi,Gohar Kheyrandish
Original Titleصندلی خالی
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 40m
- Drama