Movie Description
Maria starts to show signs of wanting to belong somewhere else: scales appear on her skin, roots appear on her legs, and she hears the sound of water - she dreams of being a fish. One day her daughter comes across her disappearance and reconstructs, through the memory of her gestures and meetings with her mother, a possible explanation for her escape.
Featured Crew
- Director : Leonor Noivo
- Producer : João Matos,João Gusmão,Joana Bravo
- Writer : Leonor Noivo
- Editor : Raul Domingues,Mariana Gaivão
- Cast : Isabel Costa,Ana Teresa Magalhães,Lilia Trajano,Alexandra Espiridião
Original TitleMadrugada
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 00h 28m
Production CompaniesTerratreme
- Drama