Movie Description
Sve 5!
Lidija is 37, she was born in a small town on the Croatian coast. At the age of 19 she left for Amsterdam, where she was promised a waitressing job, but she ended up in the Red Light District. After 15 years, she returns to her hometown to turn a new page and become a mother. In the film she speaks up for the first time about leaving and returning to a conservative community, everything she experienced in between and describes Amsterdam’s windows, porn sets, Playboy covers.
Featured Crew
- Director : Dana Budisavljević
- Writer : Dana Budisavljević,Jelena Paljan
- Cast : Lidija Šunjerga
Original TitleSve 5!
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 00h 45m
Production CompaniesFactum,Jan Vrijman Cineproduktie
- Documentary