Movie Description
Barranca travels with his mariachi band to a remote town with the mission of offering a serenade. With no more clue than a voice mail from the client who forgot to give him the address and the name of the woman to whom they should sing, Barranca starts a desperate search through all the village.
Featured Crew
- Director : Darío Vejarano
- Producer : Camilo Cabrera
- Writer : Fabian Vejarano
- Editor : Fabian Vejarano,Darío Vejarano
- Cast : Alberto Cardeño,Nayid Tafur,Elias Tafur,Andrés Davila,Humberto Páez
Original TitleSerenata
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 00h 07m
Production CompaniesFILMAWA,BOGOSHORTS Film Agency