Movie Description
Yoshiro Yazaki (Toshihiko Sakakibara), who is loved by Misato (Chikako Aoyama), the daughter of Iwami (Akira Nakao), a director of the Kanto Ichienkai, was forced into a difficult position between the Sumida River Association and Iwami. Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Riki Takeuchi), acting leader of the sand group, is approached by Iwami and is ordered to push Iwami in the next presidential election. However, Iwami is demoted by the presidential election due to the strategy of Sunagawa, the parent of Hitoshi. The furious Iwami immediately awakened the Iwami group and declared a full-scale war to the Kanto Ichienkai.
Featured Crew
Original Title仁義5
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 33m