Movie Description
Khi Ta 25
Tue Lam (Midu) is a young artist manager with a burning passion for her music group - The Air. However, a major incident occurred causing all plans for the group to be delayed. What will Tue Lam do to launch her group? With the story of the people behind the artist's aura, when Ta Hai Lam will have any more surprises besides the confusing combination of Midu and Le Duong Bao Lam?
Featured Crew
- Director : Luk Vân
- Cast : Lê Dương Bảo Lâm,Him Phạm,Lãnh Thanh,Midu,Tiko Tien Cong
Original TitleKhi Ta 25
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 51m
- Drama
- Romance
- Comedy