Movie Description

Rejtett világ - A vadvizek története



There are worlds barely visible to the human eye. Lives we barely notice. Stories that fade into oblivion. Hungary was once a land of waters. Full of extraordinary creatures. From mountain forests to the depths of the underworld. Worlds created and made unique by water. But now, it is this very treasure, water, is what's pouring out of our hands. As we expand, the last of Hungary's wild waters are being squeezed back. Where nature still plays to the rhythms of the past... Where wildlife has to fight fierce battles for prey, the right to mate, and to raise the next generation... It's there that this hidden world reveals its secrets.




Original TitleRejtett világ - A vadvizek története

Status Released

Release Information

  • 2023-05-19

Original LanguageUnknown

Runtime 01h 30m


Production CompaniesVad Víz Stúdió


  • Documentary