Movie Description
Амжих уу хайраа
Batgerel is a young star. But he has ten girlfriends. Of course, his ten girlfriends don't know anything about it. At a critical moment for the young star, who is about to perform his first solo concert, his lover's plot begins to unfold and becomes unsolvable.
Featured Crew
- Director : Gankhulug Baatar
- Producer : Ganchimeg Altangerel,Badamragchaa Bayaraa
- Cast : Munkhbayar Sharkhuu,Shijir Gerelt,Munguntsetseg Bolooj,Nerguibaatar Nasanbayar,Byambatsogt Dashnyam,Zolboo Purevdorj,Bolormaa Munkhbat,Azzaya Shirbazar,Erdenechimeg Nachin,Suikhtsagaan Bold,Ichinkhorloo Lkhagvasuren
Original TitleАмжих уу хайраа
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 30m
Production CompaniesEbenezer
- Comedy
- Romance
- Drama