Movie Description

Dólares de arena



Every afternoon Noelí, a young Dominican woman, hangs out on the beach at Las Terrenas. With her boyfriend, Yeremi, they look for ways to make a living at the expense of one of the hundreds of tourists there. However Noelí also has a steady client, Anne, a much older French woman, who, like many other Europeans, has found an idyllic refuge on the island to spend her last years. For Noelí, the relationship is one of convenience, but the feelings become more intense as they plan to leave together for Paris.




Original TitleDólares de arena

Status Released

Release Information

  • 2015-04-23

Original LanguageUnknown

Runtime 01h 25m

Production CompaniesCanana,Fondo para la Producción Cinematográfica de Calidad,Aurora Dominicana,Rei Pictures,Fondo de Promoción Cinematográfica de la República Dominicana (FONPROCINE),Consejo Nacional para la cultura y las artes,Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía,FiGa Films,INCAA,Programa Ibermedia,Hubert Bals Fund


  • Drama