Movie Description
Наша Африка
1960. The USSR starts humanitarian aid programs based on Marxist ideology in several newly independent African countries. For more than 35 years the Soviets expand their influence in Africa. Soviet filmmakers are sent along to document the glorious advance of socialism on the entire continent. After the fall of the Soviet empire Russia lost political interest in Africa, but thousands of kilometers of footage shot on African soil remain. With the help of filmmakers from back then, OUR AFRICA will recreate the time of the “Great Utopia” and expose the mechanisms behind the creation of propaganda films.
Featured Crew
- Director : Alexander Markov
- Producer : Heleen Gerritsen,Alexander Markov,Sahand Zamani
- Cast : José Eduardo dos Santos,Mikhail Gorbachev,Sam Nujoma
Original TitleНаша Африка
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 00h 45m
Production CompaniesStudio Lendoc
- Documentary