Movie Description
Charlie Surfer
Charlie is 10 years old and diagnosed with aspergers. He is proud of his diagnosis but sometimes wishes he could be more like the other boys in his class. Feeling different makes him feel left out at times. Because of his Aspergers Charlie struggles with team sports. But he has found two things he loves to do, surfing and dancing. We follow Charlie through ups and downs at this years surf camp.
Featured Crew
- Director : Pia Strømme
- Producer : Knut Inge Solbu,Tom Marius Kittilsen
- Writer : Pia Strømme
- Editor : Elisabeth Aspelin,Vetle Strøm
- Cast : Robin Clay,Damien Clay,Layla Clay,Charlie Clay,Denise Horan
Original TitleCharlie Surfer
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageEnglish
Runtime 00h 18m
Production CompaniesFenomen tv film & scene AS
- Drama