Movie Description
Un Vintén pa’l Judas
Christmas Eve. The children ask for money for the Judas (Un Vintén pa’l Judas), and the protagonist, a failed tango singer without means or will to live, meets a friend, a public employee, in search of some rummage. This one asks him to buy a lottery. The tango singer, in need of money to buy a guitar to use in a singing contest, collects the winnings for himself, betraying the trust of his friend, in the same way as the Judas that the children burn on the streets.
Featured Crew
- Director : Ugo Ulive
- Producer : Juan Carlos Patrón
- Cast : Rafael Salzano,Juan Manuel Tenuta,Sara Larocca,Ricardo Gelabert
Original TitleUn Vintén pa’l Judas
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 00h 50m
- Drama