Movie Description
Kommil Foo: Spaak
Stage registration of the twelfth show by the Flemish cabaret duo Kommil Foo. The show 'Spaak' was supposed to be a show about the brother of the grandmother of Raf and Mich Walschaerts. He died in a fatal accident in the twenties of the last century when he demarcated from the peloton during a cycling race in Antwerp. But in the end, Raf and Mich Walschaerts noticed that a show writes itself, and 'Spaak' turned out to be a show about, once again, love and sadness.
Featured Crew
- Director : Lieven De Geest,Lynn Hozee,Frans Van Der Aa,Wim De Wulf
- Producer : Caroline Lanoye,Koen Bellens
- Writer : Raf Walschaerts,Mich Walschaerts
- Editor : Lynn Hozee
- Cast : Raf Walschaerts,Mich Walschaerts
Original TitleKommil Foo: Spaak
Status Released
Release Information
Original LanguageUnknown
Runtime 01h 35m
- Comedy
- Music