Boris Novikov
We don't have biography for Boris Novikov
Title | Release date |
Return of the "Battleship" | 1996-04-20 |
Thief | 1994-05-17 |
Thy Will, O Lord! | 1993-05-03 |
A Communal Story as (voice) | 1993-03-12 |
Desire for Love | 1993-01-01 |
На Муромской дорожке... | 1993-01-01 |
Gingerbread as The Adder (voice) | 1993-01-01 |
The Murder at Zhdanovskaya as Mitrich | 1992-11-01 |
Talking Monkey | 1991-11-01 |
The Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's Tricks as The Courtier (voice) | 1991-07-02 |
For a Rainy Day | 1991-06-08 |
Hunting for a Pimp | 1991-04-07 |
Кровь за кровь as Safin - makler | 1991-02-01 |
The Little Witch | 1991-01-01 |
The Family Man | 1991-01-01 |
Who Should Live in Russia | 1989-06-28 |
Prince Udacha Andreyevich as дедушка | 1989-06-01 |
The Utinoozyorsk Accident | 1989-01-02 |
May I die, Lord | 1988-06-16 |
Karpusha as Old man (voice) | 1988-06-09 |
A Gullible Dragon as dog | 1988-01-01 |
Autumn Dreams as Mikita - "Gastritis" | 1987-10-05 |
The Puppy and the Old Slipper as озвучка... | 1987-02-20 |
Наездники (киноальманах) | 1987-01-01 |
Laughter and Grief by the White Sea as Peasant (voice) | 1987-01-01 |
Let's Wait with the Anniversary as Григорий Константинович | 1986-06-12 |
How the Old Man Went for the Rain | 1986-06-05 |
The Mouse and the Red Sun as Hedgehog (voice) | 1986-02-08 |
Banquet | 1986-01-01 |
The Door as Voice | 1986-01-01 |
A Secret Walk in the Woods as дед Игнат | 1985-07-26 |
На заре во дворе | 1985-06-05 |
Зачем человеку крылья | 1985-04-29 |
Teryokha's Wagon | 1985-04-24 |
Миссис Уксус и мистер Уксус as The Bagpiper (voice) | 1985-04-23 |
The Imp With A Bushy Tail as худой пёс | 1985-01-01 |
Still Love, Still Hope as Pavel Petrovich | 1984-12-03 |
Password "Hotel Regina" | 1984-06-11 |
Winter in Prostokvashino as Pechkin the Postman (voice) | 1984-06-06 |
White Dew as дед Тимофей | 1984-04-09 |
The Tale of Tsar Saltan as Knyaz Gvidon (voice) | 1984-01-01 |
Secret of the Blackbirds as mr. Crump - butler | 1983-11-21 |
Teenager | 1983-11-15 |
I Promise! | 1983-07-01 |
Nevermind The Grief as Sluga (voice) (uncredite) | 1983-04-22 |
Crazy Day of Engineer Barkasov as истопник | 1983-04-09 |
The Trust That Has Burst as Artillerist | 1983-03-18 |
How Old Man Became a Brood-Hen as Old man (voice) | 1983-02-08 |
Stove Builders | 1982-09-11 |
Porridge Made from an Axe as Old man (voice) | 1982-06-09 |
Grandfather's Binoculars as Dog (voice) | 1982-02-07 |
Nice to Live Not Forbid as отец Бодрова | 1982-01-06 |
White Dance | 1981-10-01 |
Adventures of Vasia Kurolesov as Kurochkin (voice) | 1981-06-06 |
Winter Quarters of Animals as The ram (voice) | 1981-04-22 |
Citizen Lyoshka | 1981-02-09 |
Goodbye, Our Gully as Khromoy / Ryzhiy (voice, uncredited) | 1981-02-07 |
Homeless House-Elves | 1981-02-07 |
Vacations in Prostokvashino as Pechkin the Postman (voice) | 1980-06-06 |
Well, Just You Wait! 13 as Dog referee | 1980-05-17 |
Отец и сын | 1980-03-31 |
I Wait and Hope | 1980-01-01 |
Schedule for the Day After Tomorrow | 1979-04-29 |
The Magic Ring as Peasant (voice) | 1979-01-01 |
The Adventures of Prince Florisel as Генерал Венделер | 1979-01-01 |
A French Lesson as дед Илья | 1978-12-17 |
A Strange Woman | 1978-09-11 |
Three from Prostokvashino as Pechkin the Postman (voice) | 1978-06-06 |
Live in Joy as дед Афоня «Самосвал» | 1978-03-25 |
There's an Idea! | 1978-03-01 |
Funny People! as чиновник | 1977-11-10 |
Everybody Knows Kadkin as godfather | 1977-09-12 |
Youth Island as Grandpa Stepan | 1976-08-31 |
Преступление: Обман as Кузьма Афанасьевич | 1976-07-19 |
Преступление: Нетерпимость as Кузьма Афанасьевич | 1976-07-12 |
Diamonds for Mariya | 1976-02-02 |
The Ivanov Family as Vasiliy | 1975-10-13 |
Это сильнее меня as pozhiloy pizhon - restorane | 1974-03-09 |
Nylon 100% as муляжист Шилобреев | 1973-12-17 |
After the Fair as Stepan | 1973-07-12 |
Me and Jack as милиционер | 1973-04-23 |
Red Sun | 1972-11-08 |
Navy Officer as Соловцев | 1970-12-17 |
Lyubov Yarovaya as Konstantin Groznoy | 1970-11-04 |
Uncle Misha Bear as The cat (voice) | 1970-04-22 |
Сохранившие огонь | 1970-04-21 |
Harsh Kilometers | 1969-10-12 |
The House and the Host | 1968-11-25 |
Seven Old Men and One Girl as Степан Петрович Бубнов («старик», сантехник) | 1968-06-06 |
Там, за окошком, лето | 1968-01-01 |
Shot as Кузька | 1967-04-29 |
The Tale of the Golden Rooster as Warrior (voice) | 1967-01-01 |
Going to Search | 1966-11-14 |
Road to the Sea as moscow taxi driver | 1966-03-07 |
The Letter | 1965-11-07 |
A Tale of Don | 1964-09-13 |
The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin as Militsioner | 1964-08-10 |
Meeting at the Crossing as Uvarov | 1964-05-28 |
Whistle Stop as collective farm foreman | 1963-11-24 |
Unusual Town | 1963-04-03 |
Pavlukha as Fertov | 1962-12-24 |
Only the Statues Are Silent | 1962-02-18 |
История с пирожками as заведующий отделом | 1961-09-18 |
Sovershenno seryozno as заведующий отделом (новелла «История с пирожками») | 1961-09-18 |
The Cossacks as Nazarka | 1961-08-14 |
My Friend, Kolka! as Kuzma | 1961-05-13 |
Probation | 1960-10-24 |
Russkiy Suvenir as Safonov | 1960-06-27 |
The First Date as circus artist | 1960-06-13 |
Unpaid Debt | 1959-12-21 |
A Girl with Guitar as Tsyplakov | 1958-09-01 |
On the Count's Ruins | 1958-03-24 |
The Blue Arrow as Lieutenant Dudnik | 1958-01-26 |
In a Quiet Marina as Bazyukov | 1958-01-20 |
Quiet Flows the Don as Mitka | 1957-10-26 |
Herdsman's Song | 1957-03-12 |
An Unusual Summer | 1957-02-07 |
Behind Show Windows as hooligan | 1956-04-29 |