Béla Ternovszky
Béla Ternovszky is a Hungarian animator best known for Cat City (1986) and animated series Master Eder and his Pumuckl (1995-2005).
In 1961, after passing his high school diploma, he enrolled in the philosophy - aesthetics department of the Evening University of Marxism-Leninism , where he graduated in 1964. He then worked at Pannónia Filmstúdió and later at Filmvállalat. He was initially a draftsman, then a motion designer and director.
In 1979, in the Federal Republic of Germany, he worked with Infafilm at the Bavarian television station Bayerischer Rundfunk . After making the successful Master Eder and his Pumuckl series, between 1995 and 2005, Studio II. Kft. is also one of the... Read More