
Vlado Černý

Vlado Černý
  • Name: Vlado Černý
  • Birthday: 1951-06-21
  • Also known as: Vladimír Černý
  • Place of birth: Bratislava, Czechoslovakia [now Slovakia]
  • Popularity: 1.766
Biography: Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived mainly in Prague. Vlad's parents were athletes; my father was a pentathlete and my mother a swimmer. He himself also began to play pentathlon and had a life on the sport. His grandmother, on the other hand, was an amateur, and with his grandfather, as he claims, he was forced into a recitation, which in turn was closer to acting. Then came the experience thanks to the television editorial staff, which cast him in the short film Havko. But perhaps the biggest fateful impulse towards the actor's career was a tricky meeting with director Paľo Bielik, to whom... Read More



Title Release date
Villa Lucia 2023-03-09
Indián   as  Ján 2022-09-22
Welcome Home, Brother! 2022-08-18
Mŕtvola musí zomrieť   as  Lajo 2011-09-15
Broken Promise   as  Doctor Fehér 2009-04-30
Prachy dělaj člověka   as  Sifar 2006-09-28
Coal Tower   as  otec Věry 2002-03-28
Die Todeswelle - Eine Stadt in Angst 2000-11-21
Slečna Dušehojivá 2000-01-01
Blúznenie srdca a rozumu 1997-01-01
...kone na betóne   as  Spolumajiteľ pivovaru 1995-04-28
Mikuláš Mráz 1995-01-01
Tri stromy 1993-01-01
Lorenzaccio 1991-01-01
Tajomstvá pod viečkami 1990-01-01
Profesor Raat 1989-01-01
Obrana Sokratova 1989-01-01
Kvočka 1988-01-01
Diera v hlave   as  Petzolt 1987-01-01
Kto ste, Jozef Gabčík 1987-01-01
Zostane to v rodine 1987-01-01
Muž na drátě   as  Bajgar 1986-05-01
Kára plná bolesti 1986-02-01
O sláve a tráve   as  Igor (segment "Alena") 1985-08-01
V bludisku pamäti   as  Bačík 1985-07-01
Takmer božský omyl 1985-01-01
Pro forma... 1985-01-01
Zlatná krajina   as  najstarší brat 1985-01-01
Raz, dva, tri 1985-01-01
Bankinghouse Khuwich and Comp. 1985-01-01
Kráľovna noci v kamennom mori 1985-01-01
King Thrushbeard   as  Commander of the Guard 1984-12-01
Sweet Troubles   as  Puco Baránek 1984-08-01
Mŕtvi učia živých 1984-05-01
Stalo sa v našom mestečku 1984-01-01
The Millennial Bee   as  murár 1983-09-06
Právo na omyl 1983-05-16
Tereza 1983-01-01
Celý svet nad hlavou   as  Maťo (voice) 1983-01-01
Malvína z Bretónska 1983-01-01
Popolvar, Biggest in the World   as  Prince Pravoslav 1982-12-24
I Judge You by Love 1982-04-09
Otvorený účet 1982-01-01
Chlapec a husle 1982-01-01
Dozrievanie 1982-01-01
Najstarší škorec Svätopluk 1982-01-01
Oddychový čas (pre sudcu) 1982-01-01
Pohľad do zrkadla 1981-01-01
Izba naivného deda 1981-01-01
A čo láska? 1981-01-01
Build a House, Plant a Tree   as  Traffic Manager (voice) 1980-01-04
Anonym 1980-01-01
Dvadsať tisíc v koši 1980-01-01
Triptych o láske   as  Soldier (segment "Annalena alebo Poludnie") 1980-01-01
Sneh pod nohami 1979-06-15
Pochábeľ 1979-01-01
Vianočné čary 1979-01-01
„A“ ako Alžbeta 1978-09-18
Doktor Jorge   as  chlapec 1978-03-20
Krutá ľúbosť 1978-02-17
Šediny doktora Ondáka 1977-12-30
Concert for the survivors   as  Anti (voice) 1977-02-25
Postup 1977-02-14
Zlatá réva 1977-01-01
Koruna lásky a smrti 1977-01-01
If I Had a Girl   as  Viktor (voice) 1976-10-15
Mário a kúzelník 1976-10-04
Tetované časom 1976-04-16
Serenáda pre Martinu 1976-01-01
Španielska gitara 1976-01-01
The Motive for Murder   as  Petr (segment "Víkend") 1975-04-04
Hodina úsvitu 1975-04-04
Prešporská kasáreň maľovaná 1975-01-01
Chlapské leto 1975-01-01
Trofej neznámeho strelca 1974-07-05
Oblaky = modriny 1974-01-01
Smrť v kufri 1974-01-01
Bačova žena 1972-12-25
The Bride of the Mountains 1972-12-22
Rajský plyn 1970-01-01
Brat 1970-01-01
Majster kat 1966-08-05
Jánošík   as  Jánošík (child) 1963-08-23
Havko 1961-01-01